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Framework for a Physician Integration Program

Written by Tom Syzek | September 17, 2019


If your organization is navigating the onboarding and integration process for newly employed physicians, you're not alone.

The Physicians Advocacy Institute recently reported that U.S. hospitals bought 5,000 independent physician practices between July 2015 and July 2016. The percentage of hospital-employed physicians increased by more than 63% from mid-2012 to mid-2016.

TSG's RSQ® Education - Physician Integration Program is designed to put the best practices of patient safety and risk management at the fingertips of your physicians and systematize your ongoing compliance training.

As you consider how to structure a Physician Integration Education Program, below we provide recommendations on how you might organize topics of importance and how to time their delivery to physicians. Your organization can use this as a framework for your program and edit based on your individual organization's needs and challenges. We recommend alotting 5-7 courses each year for physician completion. 


Year 1 – Liability Basics

Year 2

Year 3

Medical-Legal Essentials

Against Medical Advice


Confidentiality of Medical Information: Complying with HIPAA & State Law

Anatomy of a Medical Negligence Lawsuit



Duty of Care: The Provider-Patient Relationship


Consent for the Treatment of Minors

Patient Safety Fundamentals

Handoffs, Transitions, Discharges: Key Moments in Patient Care


Prevention of Medical Errors

Cognitive Errors in Medicine Part 1


Communication Strategies to Improve Patient Safety in High-Risk Situations

11 Simple Strategies to Prevent Medication Errors


Never Events




PatientSET™: Introduction for All Healthcare Providers

7 Strategies to Reduce Readmissions

Healthcare-Associated Infections

Provider Wellness

Physician Burnout

Healthcare Provider Impairment: Identification & Management



Your Specialty Specific Course (Hospital Medicine, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, etc.)




If you have questions about how you might modify this to work for your organization, reach out to our Client Success Team, who will be happy to optimize a plan for you.