Over the last several months, many of our articles have focused on the importance of redesigning physician documentation systems to increase patient safety and minimize diagnosis-related errors. If you are familiar with The Sullivan Group, you clearly understand the alignment of that topic with our mission and the role we have played with many health systems and EMR vendors to further that mission. However, we also recognize the importance of efficiency, speed, and productivity in the ED and how cumbersome physician documentation systems in the enterprise EHR can lead to an increased frustration and burnout by EM practitioners.
Blog & Articles
End-User vs. Risk Management: Expectations of the EMR
July 10, 2017
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems were developed to satisfy several important needs (I will use EMR and EHR interchangeably). Just to name a few: legible documentation of patient encounters, satisfaction of coding and billing requirements, regulatory compliance, prevention of medication errors, clinical pathway utilization, medical-legal defensibility, and data compilation. Having seen and used several EMR systems, I can tell you that they were not developed with the primary goal of improving user efficiency.